Top 10 Online and Mobile Security Tips

Here are 10 online and mobile security tips while using a mobile phone. Mobile phones are really sensitive regarding their security, and you have to maintain your phone’s security all the time. There are multiple security risks you can face with mobile phone usage. Most of the time, people share spamming and phishing links, Trojan files, or malware that steals your private data or personal information. So to avoid these security risks, here I am sharing 10 online and mobile security tips that will help to avoid or reduce unauthorized access or data breaches.


10 Online and Mobile Security Tips

The 10 Online and Mobile Security Tips, which are generally recommended by cyber-security experts around the world, are as follows:

  1. Always set a “Pin/Password” to lock your mobile to avoid its misuse.
  2. Always set a multi-security option, and strong password/PIN.
  3. Use Google Password Manager to securely store your password, and generate complex passwords in recommendation.
  4. Always Install Apps only from “trusted app stores”. Don’t allow third-party apps or browsers to install apps. Be alert whenever clicking any link or downloading files.
  5. When not in use, never leave your Bluetooth connection on.
  6. Must encrypt data on internal and external media.
  7. While on public Wi-Fi or untrusted networks, always use a VPN to protect your privacy.
  8. Timely install updates/patches.
  9. Always keep turning on WiFi/Data turn on to find your mobile location if you are lost or stolen by someone.
  10. Always keep all apps up to date to meet with the latest updates and security patches.


Delving into details of the points, using PINs/passwords/patterns to lock phones is always highly recommended as other biometric technologies such as fingerprint scanners and facial recognition setups can be easily fooled or misused. Regarding “trusted app stores”, it is stressed that one must always install apps from Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store. Meanwhile, Bluetooth can also present major security risks as it may connect with unwanted networks. Installation of Android/iOS security updates and security patches is important as they secure phones and make them more invulnerable. Further, public WiFi hotspots have become one of the major sources of data misuse, and the use of VPN to encrypt connections sounds like an impressive idea.